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Future CAP : Focusing on Agroecological Transition

Europe :
BRUSSELS, 4 SEPTEMBER 2024 – IFOAM Organics Europe welcomes the report of the ‘Strategic Dialogue on the future of EU agriculture’ providing a common framework for action to reach the EU’s environmental goals in the agri-food system. The recommendations bridge the EU’s objectives by proposing concrete steps and strategies for implementation.
The so-called ‘Strategic Dialogue’ shows that a transition to sustainable agri-food systems is necessary and there are solutions that work for farmers, nature and society.
Jan Plagge, IFOAM Organics Europe’s President, took part in the dialogue and shares his views: “The Strategic Dialogue was not a walk in the park, but it proved to be a valuable initiative to move beyond the current polarisation on agriculture issues. The dialogue succeeded in identifying a common way forward for EU agriculture considering it should be within the planetary boundaries and reconcile environmental sustainability with a fair income for farmers. There is broad agreement that transitioning to sustainable farming systems is necessary and should pay off for farmers. This will mean a significant reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) so it adequately rewards organic farmers and offers real financial added value for the environmental services they are providing.”
The European organic movement looks forward to seeing how the EU institutions will realise the recommendations, namely in the?EU’s ‘Vision for Agriculture and Food’ and in Commission President Von der Leyen’s continued support of stakeholders’ engagement. We also look forward to being involved in the process of implementing these recommendations within the advisory board that will be established by the European Commission.
On organic’s role as leading choice to reach this common goal, Jan Plagge continued: “The Strategic Dialogue recommendations recognise organic farming as the only regulated sustainable production system that already delivers environmental and climate protection, and as prime example of a food production system that reconciles nature protection and farmers’ income. If policymakers implement the recommendations, organic farming would be further strengthened and more attractive in a food system in which the sustainable choice would be the easiest”.

week’s recommendations of the strategic dialogue on the future of EU agriculture, the organic movement continues building bridges and identifying a way forward with high-level policymakers and the sector at its European Organic Congress. High on the congress’ agenda is a piece of EU policy that can make or break this transition: the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP).
Ahead of the congress, starting today with an inaugural speech from Dr. István Nagy, Hungarian Minister for Agriculture, the organic movement publishes its vision on a CAP fit for the future. This states that a CAP fit for the future is in line with the Strategic Dilogue’s
opinion conclusion that a transition
to sustainable agri-food systems is necessary and there are solutions that work for farmers, nature and continue page 31
Future CAP ….
society. To achieve this, the CAP needs an ambitious reform to enable an agroecological transition of Europe’s agriculture, while:
-Supporting all farmers who want to transform their farms sustainably using a whole-farm approach;
-Adequately rewarding farmers engaged in sustainability systems, such as organic farmers, for the benefits they already deliver to the environment and society; and
-Ensuring the sector’s competitiveness.
Jan Plagge, IFOAM Organics Europe’s President summarised it as follows: “The agrifood sector is facing multiple challenges, so the CAP must undergo an ambitious reform to stay relevant and deliver environmental and socio-economic sustainability. The CAP post-2027 should support both farmers who want to be and those who already are more environmentally ambitious.” He specified: “It is important to encourage those ready to re-designs their farms to be more sustainable and set high environmental ambitions. Moreover, the future CAP should also adequately reward farmers already working with nature and provide benefits for ecosystems functions – this needs to be based on a whole-farm approach. As our vision for the CAP post-2027 is in line with the Strategic Dialogue on the future of agriculture’s recommendations, we count on the Commission, Council and Parliament to implement this broad agreement among agriculture and environmental stakeholders that it is time for a fundamental CAP reform.”
Thomas Fertl, IFOAM Organics Europe Board Member and farming sector representative elaborated on the approach: “We propose a three-stage approach to ensure proportionality between a farm’s level of environmental ambition and the funding it receives, based on key areas: soil protection, impact on water, climate, and biodiversity. This would allow for high environmental ambitions, a coherent approach at farm level, while easing administration for farmers and national authorities. Our vision makes two objectives meet: Rewarding farmers who are already engaged in sustainable production methods and supporting other farmers in a gradual transition to agroecology.”
The CAP should also play an important role in market regulation to strengthen farmers’ role in the agrifood supply chain, increase their resilience to economic crises and ensure a decent income. Targeted measures should support farmers based on socio-economics.
The press release issued by the Organics Europe.

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Site By: Binay Bajagain